aa -- in
ahljíihl -- therefore, that's why
an -- for, to
It's not clear how best to translate this word in the context of this sentence.
asgáayst -- ???
Likely contains the Postpositional suffix -st from.
chíin -- fish
diyáangaan -- looked
diyang- look + -aan Inferential Past tense suffix.
Note that this suffix causes the vowel preceding syllable to become long and stressed.
This gloss may not be accurate, since this verb is not listed in the dictionary.
gám -- not
gut'iláa -- different
Note: listed as gut iláa in the dictionary
gyaan -- and
gándlaay -- the creek
gántl water + -aay Definite suffix.
Note that adding this suffix triggers the spelling rule which changes -tl- into -dl-.
hal -- he
hingáan -- just, simply
hlgúujuu -- be greedy
Listed as hlgáwjuu in the dictionary.
jagíyaayaan -- couldn't
jagíyaa- be unable to + -yaan Inferential Past tense suffix.
jahlíis -- ???
kwáan -- be plenty
k'íit -- tree
Note: listed as kíit in the dictionary.
k'uts -- bark
Note: seems to mean "roots" in this story, but is listed as "bark" in the dictionary.
'láa'anggang -- is good
'láa- be good + -'ang- Repetitive suffix + -gang Present tense suffix.
'lagáalaan -- got well
'lagahl- get well + -aan Inferential Past tense suffix.
Note that this suffix causes the vowel in the preceding suffix to become long and stressed. The final consonant also changes from -hl- to -l-.
néilaan -- drank
néil- drink something + -aan Inferential Paste tense suffix.
sáanjuudaayaan -- rested
Contains sáanaa- relax and -yaan Inferential Past tense suffix.
The source of -juu- is unclear; -daa- might be the Causative suffix.
sáng -- day
Listed in the dictionary as "weather".
sk'ísdlaayaan -- got full from eating
sk'ísdlaa- get full from eating + -yaan Inferential Past tense suffix.
Listed as sk'isláa in the dictionary. Note that we'd expect this word to be accented on the second syllable: sk'isdláayaan.
st'igáalaan -- became sick
st'igáal- become sick + -aan Inferential Past tense suffix.
st'i'áwyaagaan -- was very sick
st'i'áwyaa- be very sick + -gaan Inferential Past tense suffix.
táagaan -- ate
táa- eat + -gaan Inferrential Past tense suffix.
táawk -- for food
táaw food + -k Postpositional suffix.
The postpositional suffix -k is glossed as to in the grammatical introduction to the dictionary, but in this case its meaning is closer to English for.
tlaahláayaan -- made
tlaahláa- make + -yaan Inferential Past tense suffix.
tl' -- they, people
Plural indefinite pronoun.
ts'asláangaan -- boiled
ts'asláng- boil something + -aan Inferential Past tense suffix.
Note that this suffix causes the vowel in the preceding syllable to become long.
'wáadluu -- then
xíl -- medicine
xitgáay -- flying
xit- fly + -gáay Definite suffix.
xitgwáangaan -- flew
xitgwang- fly + -aan Inferential Past tense suffix.
Note that this suffix causes the preceeding vowel to become long and stressed.
yáahl -- Raven