Xaad Kihl Guusuu Language Project
Master Fluent Speaker: Phyllis Almquist
Apprentice: Linda Schrack

            Body Parts

Haida -- English

Díi (name a body part) uu íijang -- This is my___________.

Gitl’áan uu dáng (name a body part) íijang? -- Where is your _______?

Hlúu -- Body
Skál -- Shoulder
Xyáay -- Arm
Xyáay káw -- Arm muscle
Xik'usíi -- Elbow
Stláay -- Hand
Stlak'wáay -- Thumb
Stlak'ángii -- Fingers-all together
Stlak'áan -- Palm of hand
Stláay ún -- Back of hand
Kan -- Chest
K'úuk -- Heart
Tl'ánuu -- female breast
K'íits -- Stomach/belly
Dal -- Inside of stomach/rain
Sgwáay -- Back
K'wáay -- Hips
Gut -- Buttocks/box
K'ulúu/k'yaal -- Leg
(k'yaal uu - blue herron, long legs)
Tíl -- Thigh
K'ulúu kats -- Knee
Skuts tl'ijuwaay -- Shin bone
 (in front)
K'yaal káw -- Calf
Duméi -- Ankle bone
St'áay -- Foot
St'ak'ángii -- Toes-all together
St'ak'wáayaa -- Big toe (elder toe)
         (k'wáayaa =elder)

St'aka'án -- Foot sole
K'al -- Skin-of anything
Skuts -- Bones
Xaat'áa skuts -- Skeleton - human
Gin tíiga skuts -- Skeleton – animal
Xants -- Shadow (reflection, picture, reincarnation)